thanks to everyone who left a message/scribble for me abt dieting and stuff.
but actually, ALTHIE posted that. not me.
anyway, i went to gym yesterday. just did some walking (don't know if it's brisk, but it was fun). i think i'm gonna do it everyday i can. i went to the office gym. will start going with althie some time next week. we're going to a small gym near putrajaya, cos California Fitness is SO expensive. i mean, what if i got extra work and can't go to gym that day? especially since i gotta reach home by 10pm at the latest.
so after some discussion, me and althie decided we'll go to the normal gym here. way cheaper and much more convinient. no need to wade through all that traffic to get to midvally and also the hassle of getting parking.
yeah, althie was registered as obese. me? that's for you to guess and me to keep to myself. *grin*
so angel_eyes, are you coming to KL for good? or just for the weekend again? if you wanna join us for gym we'll think of some alternative k? *hug*
AZ, thanks so much for the encouragement. but i really DO wanna lose weight - feel much more healthier.
Despairil - thanks. will keep your advice in mind.
amydoll - hehehe. i've already replied to you in the shoutbox... and i do feel horribly FAT when surrounded by rail-thin ppl.
Tuesday, November 22, 2005
Kit's Say on Losing My.....
Posted by
Kitty Pryde
11:40 AM
Friday, November 18, 2005
Losing my ......
Yeah im on the quest to achieve the holy grail of a healthier body (also
called losing FAT!!!)
went to california fitness last week, recommended by a office colleague,
Miss LGKM (actually nak free trial coz leh dapat one week and kalau nak
bayar RM29 dapat one month trial, i can just imagine using the sauna and
steam room right now. ahhh! blisss) well, one thing led to another and
the next i knew was on a tour of the place and being measured and weighed
(rasa cam a side of beef lak) and the results were very encouraging....
that is if i was aspiring to take over the place of the blue hyppo as
tmnet's mascot *sigh*
The line from A Knights Tale (one of my all time fav movies)
comes to mind. "You have have been measured.... and you
have been found wanting!!!!" Argghh! i was catogerised under the letter
"O", and no its not the big O, but rather *take a deep breath, calm down*
i was OBESE!! OMG, OMG, OMG, its time for some serious attention guys, i
had a 34% body fat reading. That means 1/3 of me is made up of fat...
so, im on a diet and hopefully next week commences my dieting
exercise.... and the countdown on the top of this blog not only
countdowns the days till our marriage it also counts down the time i have
left to lose enough weight to look good in the wedding pictures *sigh*
Wish me luck guys!!!!
p/s: all tips and pointers will be greatly appreciated
p/s: before and after pics too *grin* preferably the ..... hehehe
Posted by
4:24 PM
ikan di laut, asam di darat...
i've fallen in love with Adibah Noor's album, terlalu istimewa.
i especially love the song Ikan di laut, Asam di darat.
(most of you who get Malaysian channels would recognise this song from the Petronas raya commercial last year).
anyway, get it, if you want. It's only RM20.00. i got mine at Tower Records KLCC.
there's also another song that i really like... it's called Terlalu Istimewa. i read from lelakididalamcermin's blog, that apparently it's inspired by the tragedy of one of the more horrific rape cases in Johor. *sigh*.
it's a beautiful but so sad song.
well, guess that's abt it today. althie's got a recognition dinner thing. how cool is tat?
and everyone, when you're free pls go check out nightramblings. leave a comment if you don't want the site to close down. cos insom's thinking of closing it down. please please???
Posted by
Kitty Pryde
2:30 PM
Thursday, November 17, 2005
Hi all, been so long im suprised i still know how to do it.... oh
well, like they say, it must be like riding a bicycle, once you do it you
never forget how , *sigh* been so long since my last blog entry.... i
know, you guys must have been missing my charming witty self so will try
to be more active on the blogsphere again.
what? dont know who i am? what im doing here? lets just say im
the co-owner of this blog and i write here too since ive moved out of me
bachelor blog *grin*, yeah we aint married YET! so cant live together in
real life but in cyberspace??? hehe no virtual JAIS yet so guess were
pretty safe. *grin*
ok, now to the meaty part, have any of you guys ever thought
about windfalls? maybe coz its the end of the year and near bonus time or
maybe coz im just broke hehehe but windfalls (the financial type) have
been on my mind recently. Who hasnt imagined of a distant relative
suddenly kicking the bucket and leaving you with a major inheritance!!! i
know i have... wait!! dont get me wrong, im not wishing someone i knew
died or anything but just like if a relative nobody knew about suddenly
decides to leave something to you, that would be great wouldnt it??
wouldnt it??
ok, ok maybe lets say you win a gameshow or contest and you get a
lot of money, or something that is worth a lot of money and can easily be
converted into cash like say... a house or car.Have any of you thought of
what you would do with that money?? Lets say hypothetically you get/win
RM 1,000,000 what would you do with that??????
ive been thinking, if i do get that amount (wishful thinking...
i know but salah ke i nak DREAM!!) here is what i would do....
RM 200,000 = sijil ASB x 2 =althie gets one, kit gets one
RM 340,000 = 2 units condo in kj, current price ni hehe asked
around before
RM 200,000 = 1 unit condo/house in *havent thought yet*
RM 240,000 = 1 house for personal use *dont know where yet*
RM 18,000 = Downpayment for Honda Civic model 2006,google it,
its a beauty
RM 2000 = Misc. hehe enjoy life or such
ok, so thats how i will spend my money, hopefully will be able to
retire early, im thinking of yearly ASB returns around 10% so that means RM 20,000 per annum from asb. Rental rates in KJ should come up to 1800
per mth for both units so = RM 21,600. Hopefully the other condo/house
will be able to contribute RM 1,500 per mth so = RM 18,000 per annum. So
should be getting RM 59,600 extra income per annum which equals to
4966.66 extra income per month. Civic loan might come up to RM2000 per
month if 5 year loan so left with 2966.66. Minus again whatever loan
taken for the personal home and 1 unit condo/house whihc should come up
to maybe RM 1500 per month (banyak tu, sajer buget lebih) so left 1466.66
as extra income per month. Of that 466.66 will go to existing loans and
800.00 goes to a fund for the repair of the rented out property when
needed. (trust me, will be needed someday so better be prepared and also
when the property not tenented, still need to service the loans maa) that
leaves me with extra RM 200.00 to spend (mostly on kit laa) hehe not a
lot for 1 million is it?
Yet im pretty satisfied with the plan coz it would leave us debt
free (well, taken care of actually) and still have RM 200,000 on hand if
for any emergencies. Then wages can be used for everyday expenses, like
groceries, fuel (mahal siot minyak skrg) investment, insurance, sara
family *grin*, entertainment. and also savings, dont ever forget savings,
so guys?
have YOU ever thought about it?????
Posted by
3:33 PM
the 1st time i heard of teruja was from althie.
it still makes me smile and sometimes even chuckle when i think of it.
believe me, it was the very first time ANYONE had used the word in relation to me.
yes, i know i'm gushing.
but it's our blog.
so i'll gush if i want to. so there. *looks smug*
in other news, althie finally blogged!!
there's a good boy. i'm rather fond of him, actually. *giggles*
going off for YET another meeting, i expect this one to be very long-winded and boring.
Posted by
Kitty Pryde
2:22 PM
the raya thingy @ our sector
we had a raya thingy. the nancy came.
yes, yes, the nancy, the big gun in our organization who bought so many useless things. hehehe.
anyway, during his speech he said he apologize for all the "terkasar bahasa" and everything he's said and done.
he even said he's glad he got to come to our raya "do" so now his book is "clear".
he WISHES. i still haven't forgiven him. don't think i will, not in the near future anyway.
yeah, i hold grudges.
Posted by
Kitty Pryde
2:12 PM
Wednesday, November 16, 2005
the new place
i've gotten a pc and my own cubile today. actually had the new cubey yesterday, just got the pc today.
it's windows 2003, though, it's ok. no port for pendrive.
they say we'll be getting new pcs in december. i'm crossing my fingers. hehehe.
i like it here so far.
*big grin*
still hate the Nancy though. heheh.
leaving now.
see yall tmrw.
Posted by
Kitty Pryde
6:21 PM
relaku pujuk
sometimes when i listen to this song i remember how it was between me and althie in the beginning. i was so so so determined to elude him.
i really liked him but he totally freaked me out talking abt going serious.
and in the end?
well, we are engaged, aren't we? and it's 6 months to our wedding.
it's been a year already. time flies so fast!!
tak lama lagi, (insya-Allah) i'll be althie's wife. does this mean althie dah "pujuk" kit??
any regrets? no.
heard any scary "husband abuses wife" stories lately? i've heard plenty. it's scary, so so scary.
do i have any regrets? NO.
would i do it all again? well, there are some stuff i wouldn't do, i have to admit that we've both made mistakes along the way. but generally, yes, i'd do it all again with althie.
am i happy with him? i honestly think i've never EVER EVER been happier with anyone else.
hey, althie?
je taime vou.
Posted by
Kitty Pryde
6:14 PM
surfing the crimson wave
i've gotten a lot of questions from guy friends who are absolutely blur when it comes to periods. especially since these guys grew up in an all boy family, didn't have many girls as friends.
they get themselves into situations which could have been avoided if they only knew what to do when their women are surfing the crimson wave.
periods are a fact of life la. not only for women but for men too. my suggestion: get used to it la. the moodiness. the food cravings. the crampings that sometimes incapacitate some women. (ouch, yes, it hurts, A LOT).
what boyfriends/fiances/partners/husbands should do:-
- help her get comfortable - this differs, depending on the individual. some women experience contraction-like pain, some just have back ache, ongoing cramps... ask her how to help her and she'll tell you. (note: rub, don't pat!!)
- if she needs medication, make sure you get the right one. again, ask her what she needs and don't linger at the paper section when picking it up. ESPECIALLY if you're in her view!
- don't ignore her emotional outburts. in her fragile state of mind, it'll probably lead to her thinking you don't love her anymore. which leads to worse stuff....
- if she tells you she needs time alone, give in to her, but tell her that you love her and you're right there for her if she needs you. sometimes some women get grumpy/cranky, and to save you from her grumpiness/crankiness she asks you to let her be for a while. however, be very careful if you've just had a tiff and she says this. cos it might mean she's still mad at you. *grin*
- make sure she gets enough to eat. ask her to eat cos i know of some women who faint during this time - not eating or drinking anything when you're losing blood (no matter how little) isn't helping matters. some women just refuse to eat thought. ASK her what she prefers. if she decides to skip meals, keep an eye on her.
this is just a very rough guide, of course. the best thing to do is ask your girl/partner abt it, and discuss on how to handle situations like that.
the main thing to remember is: you love her and wanna help her. make sure she understands AND REMEMBERS that. although it's hard to remember when your body is messing you up and you feel like crap. so be understanding.
good luck!!
p/s: if you think periods are bad, wait til she get pregnant! *grin*
Posted by
Kitty Pryde
5:42 PM
Tuesday, November 15, 2005
special update
kit cannot update now cos me moving to new division. (which i should've moved to after raya, but as usual... procrastination RULES baby!)
so now i'm busy trying to catch my errant mind (yes, it wanders off oh so frequently, esp when i'm working) so i can catch up with backlogged work, overdue reports and also start fending off work from the NEW division (thus new boss).
and guess wat? no working PC there. the good news? I should be able to get my own cubicle within the next two weeks. heheheh.
will update yall later on raya.. assuming i can take over someone's pc. hehehe. susah2 i'll come back to my old cubey to post. x de org here pun. hehehehe.
rin- i so love the pic of the two of us which you posted on your blog. nak bleh?
Posted by
Kitty Pryde
10:19 AM